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Browsing page 1 of new words for July 13, 2024




  • The state of chronically being an alnighter

    Last edited on Jul 13 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 13 2024.

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  • without or except

    from Old English
    <a href="https://essaym Map</a>
    The state of chronically being an alnighter Click here to add your own example sentence to the above definition.The state of chronically being an alnighter Click here to add your own example sentence to the above definition.
    Fvfv ere to add your own ex.
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    [sdvdvdv](http://onl ghter Click here to add.
    dddcdc ally being an alnighter Click here to add.

    Last edited on Sep 03 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 13 2024.

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Case Order Emphasis


  • The condition where the nth language case in a sentence will let anv one know that the nth sentence after such sentence will be about the word of the nth case.

    Last edited on Jul 13 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 13 2024.

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  • Any combination of Country and Rock music

    Last edited on Jul 13 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 13 2024.

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  • From or moving from; ablative case

    He was'e/wase the train

    Last edited on Jul 13 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 13 2024.

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  • At or in or on; locative case

    I am'i the train = I am at the train

    Last edited on Jul 13 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 13 2024.

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